Yoga for your feet
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Big toe mobilisation extension
Improves the flexibility & mobility of the big toe. Starting with the foot flat on the floor, roll the foot forward and tuck the lesser toes under the foot. Draw the heel backward towards the floor to increase the stretch. To improve the strength of the big toe, root the big toe into the floor by the pushing it into the ground. When the lesser toes are tucked under keep the heel, ankle and knee aligned in the same vertical plane. Make sure the knee and / or heel are lot leaning to the left or right. To complete the exercise roll the foot back into the starting position.
Big toe mobilisation flexion
Improves the flexibility & mobility of the big toe. Starting with the foot flat on the floor, roll the foot forward over the big toe. Tuck the big toe under by bending at the joint. It may take some practice to gain the full range of movement, you can use your hands to assist if necessary. When the toe is tucked under keep the heel, ankle and knee aligned over the toes. Make sure the knee and / or heel are not leaning to the left or right. Try to get the 4 lesser toes touch the floor, this may not be possible straight away but should improve over time. To complete the exercise roll the foot back into the starting position.
Big toe extension
Strengthens the foot whilst also improving the neuromuscular connection between the brain and the big toe. Whilst standing, lift only the big toe off the ground. Root the lesser toes into the floor by pushing them into the ground. Place the big toe back on the floor and repeat. It is important to keep the ball of the foot in contact with the ground at all times. This exercise may be quite challenging at the start, but as your proprioception improves it will become easier.
Big toe flexion
Strengthens the foot whilst also improving the neuromuscular connection between the brain and the big toe. Whilst standing, lift only the lesser toes off the ground. Root the big toe into the floor by pushing them into the ground. Place the lesser toes back on the floor and repeat. It is important to keep the ball of the foot in contact with the ground at all times. This exercise may be quite challenging at the start, but as your proprioception improves it will become easier.
Foot Yoga for Hallux Valgus
Many people suffer from hallux valgus due to shoes that are too tight. They cause dysfunctional feet to develop in the long run, leading to pain and movement problems. However, you can free up your feet and toes and promote their recovery: If you wear shoes with a wide toe box and practice regularly with our toe band, foot yoga will help with hallux.
Forefoot rocker mobilization
When your foot is too stiff, your plantar fascia does a poor job of absorbing stress. This makes it more susceptible to injury. For this exercise, kneel on the floor and sit on your heels while supporting and bending your toes on the floor instead of laying them flat. There will be a slight pull on the bottom of your feet. If you now gently bob your upper body up and down, you will intensify the stretching effect. Please remember: always stretch carefully - if you overstretch, you can injure yourself or make your injury worse. Stretching exercises should not be painful or increase your pain after the exercise session.
Foot ankle rocker mobility
Stand upright with both feet parallel and shoulder width apart. Now first go into toe stand. Then lower the foot again and lift the toes and the entire forefoot so that you are standing only on the two heels. Repeat the exercise in a rocking motion from toe stand to heel stand and back. This mobilizes not only your ankle but the entire foot.
Big toe dissociation
To finish the exercises, relax your toes and feet with the combination of extension and flexion of the big toe.
Developed by Lee Saxby
The functional anatomy of the foot can be considered a twisted plate of bones and ligaments (’lamina pedis’). A foot that is too ‘twisted’ or not ‘twisted’ enough is a dysfunctional foot with reduced shock absorbing, stabilising and propulsive functions. The Foot Wedges have been specially designed to ‘twist’ or ‘untwist’ the foot-plate as required by manipulating the effects of gravity on the joints of the foot during the different phases of walking gait.
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ToeSpreader Pack Training band
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