
Exercises for your feet

Regaining and maintaining natural foot function is deeply rooted in our Joe Nimble philosophy. Toefreedom® plays the central role, but not the only one: another important component are exercises that promote the regaining of natural structure and muscular functionality of the foot.

Exercises for toefreedom® 

Discover simple but effective exercises are designed to restore and strengthen ergonomic foot function.


In the two video courses, Lee Saxby & Sebastian Bär explain in detail the background of natural foot function, the important role of the big toe and why a wide toe box is so important when choosing shoes, especially for runners!

Learn with Online-Courses


In the two video courses, Lee Saxby & Sebastian Bär explain in detail the background of natural foot function, the important role of the big toe and why a wide toe box is so important when choosing shoes, especially for runners!

Learn with Online Courses

Lee Saxby

Over the last 20 years Lee has created educational programs, consulted to shoe companies, participated in university research projects, and helped ‘unfixable’ injured athletes, from recreational runners to Olympians. With his unrivalled ability to diagnose and correct biomechanical problems best-selling author Christopher McDougall (Born to Run) as well as Daniel E. Liebermann (Harvard University) were able to regain their natural athletic abilities through Lee's coaching methods.