Every step in recoverToes 2.0 is a step towards regeneration
Studies show, that the muscular fatigue experienced after prolonged exercise or running increases pressure on the forefoot and heel.(1)
Fix your hallux angle!
Conventional footwear is bad for your feet!
What our customers say:
Nelly Pappenberg
These slides are awesome! Very comfortable and perfect after intense workouts and games, coming out of my tight cleats.
Trenton Wallace,
professional baseball player
I think the shoes are great. They fit perfectly and I really have the feeling that they relieve my entire musculoskeletal system. I actually wouldn't have thought that.
Thank you very much for a bit more quality of life again!
passionate marathon runner
New: recoverToes 2.0
„Every day without your recoverToes 2.0 is a day added to your recovery.“
(Lee Saxby)
(1)“The effect of fatigue on plantar pressure distribution during running in view of running injuries“; Tine Marieke Willems, Philip Roosen, Roel De Ridder; Journal of Foot and Ankle Research · April 2012
“Long distance running increases plantar pressures beneath the metatarsal heads A barefoot walking investigation of 200 marathon runners“, Arne Nagel, Frauke Fernholz, Carolin Kibele, Dieter Rosenbaum; Gait & Posture 27 (2008) 152–155 Dec. 2006
“The Effect of Terrain on Foot Pressures During Walking”; Olfat Mohamed, Ph.D., P.T.; Kay Cerny, Ph.D., P.T.; Wendy Jones,M.P.T.; Judy M. Burnfield, Ph.D., P.T.; Foot & Ankle International 2005