Relaxation with every step!

Exercise such as running, tennis, football or gym workouts, cause the muscles in your foot to fatigue, get sore and tighten up. The ´recoverToes 2.0´ recovery sandal has been biomechanically engineered to provide relief from these symptoms and improve your natural big toe structure with every step.

Shop recoverToes 2.0


Relaxation with every step!

Exercise such as running, tennis, football or gym workouts, cause the muscles in your foot to fatigue, get sore and tighten up. The ´recoverToes 2.0´ recovery sandal has been biomechanically engineered to provide relief from these symptoms and improve your natural big toe structure with every step.

Shop recoverToes 2.0

Every step in recoverToes 2.0 is a step towards regeneration

Studies show, that the muscular fatigue experienced after prolonged exercise or running increases pressure on the forefoot and heel.(1)

recoverToes 2.0 Unisex Recovery Sandalen
30 € saved
vorher €79.00*
Fix your hallux angle!

By wearing the ´recoverToes 2.0´ recovery sandal regularly (home, office, garden, gym, …) and especially immediately after running and other workouts, you can propel your foot recovery and minimize foot soreness while fixing your hallux angle with every step you take in them.


ToeRite®  Technology

Propels your recovery



Propels your recovery

Conventional footwear is bad for your feet!

The ´recoverToes´recovery sandal helps your foot to rehabilitate from the negative effects of years of wearing conventional footwear. 

It works like braces for the teeth: it puts your big toe into an optimal alignment and thereby slowly and progressively changes the structure of the foot while easing high-pressure points.

This will help the muscles to adapt accordingly and support positive effects on biomechanics, gait and injury prevention.

What our customers say:

Nelly Pappenberg

These slides are awesome! Very comfortable and perfect after intense workouts and games, coming out of my tight cleats.

Trenton Wallace,
professional baseball player

I think the shoes are great. They fit perfectly and I really have the feeling that they relieve my entire musculoskeletal system. I actually wouldn't have thought that.
Thank you very much for a bit more quality of life again!

passionate marathon runner

New: recoverToes 2.0

The ´recoverToes 2.0´ recovery sandal has been biomechanically engineered to provide relief from these symptoms and improve your natural big toe structure with every step.
recoverToes 2.0 Unisex Recovery Sandalen
30 € saved
vorher €79.00*

„Every day without your recoverToes 2.0 is a day added to your recovery.“

(Lee Saxby)

1. ToeRite®  toe separators
Like a brace, the built-in toe separator brings your big toe into an anatomically optimal alignment and thereby slowly and gradually changes the structure of your foot back to its natural shape

2. Heel cup
The design of the heel ensures a comfortable overall fit and ensures that the cushioning impact occurs naturally right under the heel bone

3. Metatarsal support
The anatomically gently supporting design under the ball of the foot relieves the metatarsal of the foot and ensures a smooth rolling transition in every step

4. Velcro bandage
The interchangeable Velcro closure allows for individually perfect adjustment across the instep, so that a secure hold on the foot is guaranteed at all times

5. Toefreedom®
The generously cut toe box allows your toes to spread and stretch out freely

6. Toe-Bumper
The raised toe area protects your toes and avoids painful collisions with the edges of table-or bed-legs, etc.

1. ToeRite®  toe separators
Like a brace, the built-in toe separator brings your big toe into an anatomically optimal alignment and thereby slowly and gradually changes the structure of your foot back to its natural shape

2. Heel cup
The design of the heel ensures a comfortable overall fit and ensures that the cushioning impact occurs naturally right under the heel bone

3. Metatarsal support
The anatomically gently supporting design under the ball of the foot relieves the metatarsal of the foot and ensures a smooth rolling transition in every step

4. Velcro bandage
The interchangeable Velcro closure allows for individually perfect adjustment across the instep, so that a secure hold on the foot is guaranteed at all times

5. Toefreedom®
The generously cut toe box allows your toes to spread and stretch out freely

6. Toe-Bumper
The raised toe area protects your toes and avoids painful collisions with the edges of table-or bed-legs, etc.


(1)“The effect of fatigue on plantar pressure distribution during running in view of running injuries“; Tine Marieke Willems, Philip Roosen, Roel De Ridder; Journal of Foot and Ankle Research · April 2012
“Long distance running increases plantar pressures beneath the metatarsal heads A barefoot walking investigation of 200 marathon runners“, Arne Nagel, Frauke Fernholz, Carolin Kibele, Dieter Rosenbaum; Gait & Posture 27 (2008) 152–155 Dec. 2006
“The Effect of Terrain on Foot Pressures During Walking”; Olfat Mohamed, Ph.D., P.T.; Kay Cerny, Ph.D., P.T.; Wendy Jones,M.P.T.; Judy M. Burnfield, Ph.D., P.T.; Foot & Ankle International 2005