You don't have to miss out on toefreedom® in the gym
The nimbleToes has now been at home in gyms all over the world for years and is finding more and more convinced followers. This is simply because our toefreedom® philosophy combined with a thin, flat sole only brings advantages in the gym.
Du musst im Gym nicht auf toefreedom® verzichten
Der nimbleToes ist inzwischen seit Jahren in Gyms auf der ganzen Welt zu Hause und findet immer mehr überzeugte Anhänger. Das liegt ganz einfach daran, dass unsere toefreedom® Philosophie kombiniert mit einer dünnen, flachen Sohle im Fitness-Studio nur Vorteile bringt. Egal ob mit Gewichten, beim Cross-Fit oder beim Bewegungs-Workout, die stabilisierende Zehenfreiheit, der flexible Schaft und das atmungsaktive Material bringen Dir mehr Freiheit im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Gym-Schuhen.
Gym shoes
Whether you're using weights, cross-fit or doing a movement workout, the stabilizing toe clearance, flexible upper and breathable material give you more freedom compared to traditional gym shoes.
Discover the difference
Toefreedom® for gym shoes

Why toefreedom® is important during training
Because of our toefreedom® philosophy, proven for over 40 years, and unlike traditional trail shoes, your toes won't be squeezed but can perform their natural stabilizing function with every step.
Because of our toefreedom® philosophy, proven for over 40 years, and unlike traditional trail shoes, your toes won't be squeezed but can perform their natural stabilizing function with every step.
Ground Contact:
The thin, flat and non-slip Vibram outsole, provides excellent ground contact and secure grip.
The thin, flat and non-slip Vibram outsole, provides excellent ground contact and secure grip.
strong big toe:
The big toe is the last part of the foot that lifts off the ground during movement. When it is strong and mobile, it can generate more energy, making the movement more explosive.
The big toe is the last part of the foot that lifts off the ground during movement. When it is strong and mobile, it can generate more energy, making the movement more explosive.